
Ph.D., Indiana University, Indianapolis, 2023
M.F.A., The Ohio State University, 2011
B.A., Eastern Illinois University, 2006


Aaron Ganci is a visual communication and user interface designer with expertise in user-centered design. He joined Herron’s faculty in 2012. Professor Ganci received a B.A. in Fine Art/Graphic Design from Eastern Illinois University and an M.F.A. in Design Development and Research from The Ohio State University. As a practitioner-scholar with expertise in graphic design, user interface design, and co-design research methodologies, Professor Ganci is a frequent consultant on the design of websites and software interfaces with scholars from the Schools of Medicine, Nursing, Computer Science, Liberal Arts, and Informatics. In addition to professional creative activity, Professor Ganci studies how design artifacts enable systems of injustice in American life. Most recently, as part of his PhD studies (PhD in American Studies at IU Indianapolis), he studied how the design of CVs and resumés reinforce systems of racial and gender bias within the U.S. higher education system.

Research Interests

  • User Interface Design
  • Participatory Design Research
  • Design for Health
  • Critical and Speculative Design
  • Constructive Design Research
  • Design-led Startups
