Student Life

Inspire, and be inspired

At Herron, your education isn’t defined by what you can make or do, but how your ideas influence others.

Herron’s home in the heart of Indianapolis is a significant piece of the student experience. Your work will support diverse communities, solve business and industry challenges, and improve lives across Central Indiana and beyond.

Learn more at the Division of Student Affairs

Professional experience

Collaborate with businesses and nonprofits. Show your work at galleries and events. Teach art in schools and museums. Practice art therapy in the state’s top facilities.

Not your typical college town

The Indianapolis skyline at night.


If you stand in the heart of Indianapolis, on Monument Circle, you will find art and culture in every direction. There are three major art museums in downtown, as well as dozens of galleries, theaters, music venues, libraries, cinemas, and festivals.

Explore the city
Outside of the IU Indianapolis Campus Center in busy, downtown Indianapolis.

IU Indianapolis

The IU Indianapolis campus is home to approximately 100 research centers, hundreds of programs from Indiana University, and a large, diverse student body that is known for its involvement in community service and engagement.

Explore campus

Study abroad

Visit an international artist’s studio. Have class in a major museum or monument. Survey public spaces and archaeological sites. Absorb foreign cultures and artistic influences.

A group of Herron students take a photo in Italy.

Travel the world with Herron faculty

Through our study abroad programs, you will have opportunities to explore some of the most beautiful countries in the world for art and design.

Herron’s faculty-led study abroad programs are supported by lectures, readings, and discussions that will help you reflect on your experiences abroad. You will return with a deeper understanding of the world and your place in it.

Study abroad at Herron

Join Indiana’s premier school of art and design