Graduate FAQs

Q: I'm interested in visiting the school. Do you accept drop-ins or do I need to make an appointment?

Graduate visits are by appointment only. Please keep in mind that visits are typically during the business hours, Monday through Friday. To schedule a visit, complete our online request form.

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Q: May I speak with a member of the faculty within my program of interest?

Absolutely. We would be happy to connect you with a member of our faculty to discuss specific questions pertaining to the program curriculum and the opportunities within. Complete the Ask an Admissions Advisor form and include this request. We will follow up with you as soon as possible with a connection.

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Q: I'm interested in more than one graduate program and I'm not sure which one to choose. Can somebody advise me on this decision?

Yes. Between our admissions staff and program faculty, we are here to advise you as you determine which program would best meet your academic and career goals. Let us know which programs are of interest to you through the Ask an Admissions Advisor form and we will connect you to the best resources.

You may also find that your questions can be answered during a visit to Herron. To schedule a visit, complete our online request form.

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Q: I'm taking prerequisite courses for a graduate degree program and plan to finish those courses before attending in the fall. Can I still apply?

Yes, you may apply before you have completed your prerequisite coursework. If you are admitted, it would be contingent on the completion of any prerequisite courses before the fall semester in which you were admitted. We will require updated transcripts once your prerequisite coursework is completed.

However, if you are applying to the graduate art therapy program for fall admission, you must complete all prerequisite courses before the start of the spring semester.

Q: Does Herron provide financial assistance for graduate students, such as scholarships or assistantships?

Yes. In addition to scholarships and fee remission, Herron graduate students can apply for graduate appointments and fellowships to help fund their education at Herron. For more information, visit our Scholarships and Financial Aid page.

These awards will be included in your admission letter.

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Q: Do you accept transfer credits from graduate coursework taken at another university?

Transfer credits are rarely accepted at the graduate level. Due to the requirements of our graduate degree programs and accreditation, we are typically unable to accept credits from another institution and remove course requirements from a candidate's plan of study. Acceptance of transfer credits is at the discretion of the program faculty and would need to be considered on a case-by-case basis.

We encourage you to contact us via our Ask an Admissions Advisor form and include your inquiry about transfer credits. We can review your transcripts and advise you accordingly.

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Q: I am a prospective international student. Can you tell me more about visa requirements and English proficiency testing?

The best resource for international student requirements is the IU Indianapolis Office of International Affairs. We recommend you reach out to this office with any questions specific to visa and English proficiency requirements. Herron's Office of Admissions and Student Affairs can answer questions specific to our academic programs and portfolio requirements.

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Q: Once admitted, can I start in the spring or summer?

Herron's M.A., M.Des., M.S., M.F.A., and Ph.D. degree programs begin exclusively in the fall semester. The Graduate Certificate in Design Thinking admits for both fall and spring terms.

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Q: Can I pursue a master's degree as a part-time student?

No, Herron's graduate programs are based on a cohort model and can only be pursued as a full-time student.

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Q: Do you offer evening classes for graduate students?

Our graduate program classes run throughout the day. Some classes may meet in the evening, but this is not a guarantee. Graduate students must be able to commit to taking classes during the day.

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Q: Is it possible to work with faculty or take courses outside of my program?

Yes, we have many options to work with faculty and to take courses both within Herron and across the IU Indianapolis campus that are not directly within your area of study. We encourage this practice and in certain programs, it is already integrated into the plan of study.

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