Ways to Give

Support our mission, students, alumni and programs

You can make a gift to Herron in a variety of ways, including gifts to specific programs, planned gifts, and gifts of appreciated securities, real estate, or tangible personal property and monetary donations.

You can also make a gift in honor of an esteemed family member, colleague, friend, or mentor, or in memory of a loved one or friend.

Other ways to give

Gifts of cash, check, or credit card are welcome.

Checks should be payable to IUF/Herron School of Art and Design.

Mail your gift to:

Herron School of Art and Design
c/o Indiana University Foundation
P.O. Box 6460
Indianapolis, IN 46206-6460

To make a gift using a Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express account, choose a program from the list above.

Support to Herron's academic programs provides for enhanced studio instruction, supplies, technology, and equipment for undergraduate and graduate level students and faculty.

Most importantly, investments in Herron's academic programs help continue to position Herron as a top professional school of art and design, nationally and internationally.

To support a specific academic program, please contact Herron's Office of Development.

Student scholarships shape the future of artistic vision and creative activity in the world around us. Scholarships are a powerful tool to attract the best and brightest students to Herron.

Scholarships of $1,000 or more can be awarded on an annual basis, or a permanent endowment can be created with a minimum of $50,000 (pledged over multiple years, if preferred).

Contact Herron's Office of Development to learn more.

The Visiting Artist Lecture Series informs and enlightens students, faculty, and friends of the community about the world of contemporary art. Artists, designers, critics, and historians from all over the world are invited to speak at Herron, lecturing on their art, writings, or creative research. Unless noted otherwise, all lectures take place at Herron in the Frank and Katrina Basile Auditorium.

Support to Herron's Visiting Artist Lecture Series allows students, faculty, and friends of the community to attend lectures free of charge. Specifically, support helps underwrite the costs associated with artists' honorariums, travel, lodging, and other expenses.

To support the Visiting Artist Lectures, please contact Herron's Office of Development.

Gifts of appreciated securities or real estate are popular alternatives to cash gifts. Such gifts generate a double tax benefit. You receive an income tax deduction for the full fair market value of the property while avoiding capital gains taxes.

A gift of tangible personal property, such as books, equipment, or furniture may be deductible up to the full fair market value of the property if it satisfies the "related use" standard and is documented by a qualified appraisal.

An honor gift is an especially significant recognition of an esteemed family member, colleague, friend, or mentor. Contributions are made in the name of this significant individual to commemorate the impact they have on the donor's life. It can be an outright contribution or an endowed gift that will recognize the honoree in perpetuity. Honor gifts also can be made to celebrate a special occasion or event.

A memorial gift is established in tribute to a special person and usually expresses condolence for the loss of a loved one or friend.

Legacy gifts allow you to create a bequest to Herron in your will. You can endow a favorite Herron program, create a professorship or give unrestricted support to help provide resources the school can use long into the future.

A planned gift commitment provides the opportunity to make significant gifts while maintaining financial responsibilities. It allows you to formalize estate planning, retain income with tax benefits, increase income for yourself and/or your beneficiaries, and realize estate and capital gains tax savings.

Learn more about legacy gifts

Join the Herron Alumni Association

The Herron School of Art and Design Alumni Association sponsors alumni workshops, studio tours, community projects, and other programs to enhance the link between alumni and students to help preserve Herron's identity.

Learn more and join

Contact us

To learn more about Herron, contact Herron's Office of Development:

Kim Hodges
Director of Development
(317) 278-9472

The Indiana University Foundation solicits tax-deductible private contributions for the benefit of Indiana University and is registered to solicit charitable contributions in all states requiring registration. For our full disclosure statement, see https://iufoundation.iu.edu/about/mission/state-disclosures.html.