Minor in Graphic Design


A minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 is required for courses used to fulfill requirements for the minor in graphic design.

Not all courses are regularly offered. Students are encouraged to consult with their academic advisor to better plan their studies.


Nine credits are required, which include the following courses:

  • HER-V 210 Foundations of Graphic Design
  • HER-V 211 Typography I (3 credits)
  • HER-V 251 Typography II (3 credits, with V-211 prerequisite)§

Three credits are required. Choose one of the following courses:

  • HER-K 201 Photography I (3 credits)
  • HER-A 205 Introduction to Illustration I (3 credits)
  • HER-V 200 Design, Media and Culture (3 credits)

Six credits are required. Choose two of the following courses:

  • HER-K 201 Photography I (3 credits)
  • HER-A 205 Introduction to Illustration I (3 credits)
  • HER-V 200 Design, Media and Culture (3 credits)
  • HER-G 203 Silkscreen Printing (3 credits)
  • HER-G 206 Bookbinding (3 credits)
  • HER-G 208 Letterpress Typesetting (3 credits)§
  • HER-K 211 Introduction to Electronic Media (3 credits)§

† Courses only offered in the fall semester.
§ Courses only offered in the spring semester.


For questions about minoring in Design Production, contact the Office of Admissions and Student Services at (317) 278-9400 or herron4u@iu.edu.

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