Legacy Gifts

Your legacy at Herron

You can make a difference at Herron School of Art and Design today, without spending a dime.

The Herron Legacy Society is the school’s planned giving society recognizing the generous donors who have remembered Herron with charitable estate or deferred gifts.

Think beyond cash gifts made today. Herron can be named as a beneficiary of the asset you choose. You may decide to endow a favorite program, create a professorship, or give unrestricted support to help provide resources the school can use to seize its greatest opportunities.

Ways to create your Herron legacy

  • Create a bequest to Herron in your will
  • Make Herron a beneficiary of your 401(k) or 403(b)
  • Turn an unneeded life insurance policy into a useful asset
  • Establish a charitable gift annuity to provide for Herron and your loved ones

Celebrating your legacy

A legacy gift is an important decision and is cause for celebration.

Herron’s staff and faculty look forward to learning about your philanthropic plans so that your generosity can be recognized during your lifetime. Herron will make it a priority to show you how your generosity will make a difference. As always, you may also choose to give your support anonymously.

A history of giving

In May of 1895, John Herron’s philanthropic legacy provided funds for what we now know as Herron School of Art and Design. Through his bequest of $200,000 he established what is now Indiana’s only professional school of art and design, which proudly serves approximately 850 undergraduate and graduate students from around the world.

Herron continues to keep the legacies of its donors alive through endowed scholarship funds as well as other endowed programs. Two of the earliest endowed scholarship funds are the Mary A. Dye Scholarship and the Cornelia McKay Scholarship, both established in 1920.

Learn more about Herron’s scholarships

Learn more about leaving a legacy at Herron

If you value Herron, there are ways for you to leave a legacy that will forever support what’s important to you. Most of all, your generosity will continue to touch the lives of others.

Contact us to begin planning:

Kim Hodges