Richard and Rosemary Beck

Donor highlight: Richard and Rosemary Beck

Recognizing their 64th wedding anniversary this year is cause for celebration for Richard “Dick” Beck and Rosemary Browne Beck. The occasion also provides Herron School of Art and Design with an opportunity to acknowledge the couple’s unwavering commitment to the school over the past several decades.

Having received scholarships prior to attending Herron, they met at the then-named John Herron Art Institute in September 1946 and have been together since. Dick earned a B.F.A. degree in Visual Communication and is president emeritus of the Herron Alumni Association. Rosemary earned a B.F.A. degree in Painting and has the distinction of being one of only three students who was awarded Herron’s first M.F.A. degree at commencement in 1952. Both are lifetime members of the IU Alumni Association.

The couple enjoyed successful careers in the arts. Dick served as the chief art director at Eli Lilly and Company for nearly 29 years and Rosemary gained renown for her outstanding portrait paintings, including commissions for corporations and universities.

The Becks raised three sons who now live in Florida, Texas and Kentucky, respectively, with children of their own. The grandchildren have been the subject of many of Rosemary’s paintings as seen in the accompanying image, Nathan.

“Herron has always held a special place in our hearts,” shared Dick as he described why he and Rosemary have supported the school over the years. “It was our time at Herron that marks the beginning of our lives together.”

Second son Dane, shared, “My parents have lived a long and rewarding life together because of their search for the beauty in their lives and in the lives of others. They live to create beauty for others through their art, music, written word or genuine love of their fellow man.”

Most recently, the couple have made a provision in their estate plans to create scholarships at Herron. The Richard E. Beck Visual Communication Design Scholarship and the Rosemary Browne Beck Fine Arts Scholarship will support full-time students enrolled in these programs.

Herron has always held a special place in our hearts. It was our time at Herron that marks the beginning of our lives together.

Richard “Dick” Beck

“I received scholarship support while at Herron,” Dick shared. “I know firsthand that this kind of support can make the difference of succeeding in school. Rosemary and I want to help future students meet their educational and artistic goals.”

Eldest son Brian shared, “Their visual sensibilities, honed by their Herron years, extend beyond art proper to admiring the visual aspects of everyday life that many are too busy to notice but are in plain view—the color of a shadow on a snow bank, the shape of a letter in a logo or the texture of a rock.”

He added, “It came as no surprise that my parents would want to provide scholarships for Herron students so that future young artists might have the same wonderful experience that enriched their lives—not only in building careers in art, but in appreciating even more the beauty in the world around them.”

“I have known Dick and Rosemary for more than 20 years,” shared Dean Emerita Valerie Eickmeier. “Their dedication to the school is evident in their continued support. The establishment of scholarships through their estate plans is a fitting tribute to this very special couple. We are proud to recognize their legacy for years to come.”

The Becks’ support will be recognized in Herron’s recently formalized Herron Legacy Society. The Legacy Society recognizes the generosity and philanthropic spirit of individuals who remember Herron with deferred and estate gifts.

To learn more about supporting students through scholarships, contact Kim Hodges, Office of Development, at 317-278-9472 or