Certificate in Pre-Art Therapy


Not all courses are regularly offered. Students are encouraged to consult with their academic advisor to better plan their studies.

  • HER-T 200 Intro to Art Therapy (3 credits)
  • Studio art coursework (18 credits)
  • Psychology coursework (12 credits)
    • PSY-B 110 Introduction to Psychology (3 credits)
    • PSY-B 310 Life Span Development (3 credits)
    • PSY-B 380 Abnormal Psychology (3 credits)
    • Psychology elective (3 credits)


Contact Herron's Office of Admissions and Student Services at (317) 278-9400 or hadmit@iu.edu with any questions about the certificate in pre-art therapy. You can also visit our art therapy frequently asked questions page for more information about this certificate and the art therapy graduate program.

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