Returning Students

Apply to Herron as a returning student

Students who are interested in returning to Herron must complete the IU Indianapolis application for returning students. Upon completion of the application, students must send the IU Indianapolis Office of Undergraduate Admissions all transcripts from each of the colleges that they have attended since IU.

Students applying to Herron's Bachelor of Science programs for the Fall 2025 semester must also apply to audition by April 5, 2025. Auditions for Fall 2025 will be held April 26, 2025. Learn more about the audition process on our audition guidelines page.

If you are applying as a returning student less than two semesters after the last academic year in which you were previously enrolled as a music technology major, you are not required to audition again. Ask an admissions advisor if you wish to be considered for program application and/or audition exemption.

Application fees for returning students

  • IU Indianapolis online application fee: Not required for students who have previously enrolled in a degree-seeking program and completed courses at an Indiana University campus
  • Herron SlideRoom portfolio fee: $5 (non-refundable; cannot be waived)

Important dates for returning students

  • Aug. 1: IU Indianapolis application and portfolio submission open
  • Dec. 1: FAFSA opens
  • Dec. 1: IU Indianapolis incoming first-year and competitive scholarship deadline
  • May 1: IU Indianapolis application, portfolio submission, and enrollment deposit deadline

  • January: IU Indianapolis application, Music Technology, and Music Therapy applications open
  • Nov. 1: Herron scholarship deadline
  • Nov. 1: IU Indianapolis application submission deadline

  • March 15: Summer Session I application submission deadline
  • May 1: Summer Session II application submission deadline


Ask an admissions counselor, or contact Herron's Office of Admissions and Student Services directly at 317-278-9400 or