"Five Questions" is a Q&A series where we ask various Herron faculty members for sage advice and insights about their chosen creative disciplines. This month, we highlight Reagan Furqueron, director of Herron's foundation studies program. Read on to learn what inspires him and hear how he breaks the ice with first-year students.
HERRON: Tell us about your work – the processes and the underlying concepts.
REAGAN FURQUERON: I really like to make things and explore ideas through a variety of materials. Since my training is in woodworking and furniture design, much of my work draws from that approach to make both functional and non-functional objects.
I focus on how the parts relate to each other and tweak the proportions to make a piece sing. I'm also pursuing abstract sculptural forms made from welded steel and aluminum. These processes are loud and pretty dirty, so sometimes I work in a quieter way using